Thursday, July 4, 2019


Last weekend I took a journal making class with Ingrid Dijkers.  She is a mixed media artist and owner of Running Rabbit Studio. She teaches classes around the US and has been featured in "Art Journal" and "Sommerset Studio" magazines.  Check out Ingrid at www.Ingrid

We made journals out of vintage press board file folders. The class was a lot of fun and I love the journal I made. Here is a journal page I started on my stream on Tuesday. It was inspired by one of Ingrid's journal pages.

So, what I would like you to do is post on my blog and tell me if you like to make your own journal or if you work in a store bought journal. If you make your journal what do you use for the cover? And what type of binding do you do and with what?  If you buy your journal what is your favorite brand and size.Post a picture of something you have done in your favorite art journal.

I will do a drawing from everyone who replies on my stream Tuesday July 16th. The winner of the drawing will win one of the vintage file folder journals I learned to make in Ingrid's class.

There will be no stream on July 9th.

I look forward to hearing from everyone and I am especially looking forward to see your journal pages!!!


  1. Well I like to make and buy the journals both are great. Here is a page from the Finnabair journal. I like it because I can do something out side the journal and then glue in on the pages of the journal. Don't know how to picture here LOL

  2. Thanks for hosting a Journal By 5 Kathy. It inspired me to take a ring bound store bought journal and make a slith in each page so they can be taken out. Like in your JB5 session I used the gelli plate to make some start pages and then I glued in pieces of watercolour paper and is now using that as my journal for small drawings. Don't know how to post pictures but let me know how :-)

  3. Hi Kathy! I enjoy making my own journals. I have made them using grocery bags, scrap papers, etc. I have many store bought but my homemade are my favorites :) xx

  4. Hi Kathy, I usually make my own journals. I've used chipboard, vinyl, canvas, and more for the covers. I have made sewn binding, glued bindings, used rings or discs for bindings. Just depends on the function of the journal. I've been a book maker for close to twenty five years now. What's not to love. I posted some pics of one of my tools on my facebook and twitter pages. thanks as always for sharing.

  5. hi Kathy, I tried to subscribe to you blog by email and it won't let me. Says you don't have that feature enabled. Also didn't see a way to add a pic. You can see some of my book in a facebook album (public) or a pinterest board with my work posted. thanks as always for sharing.

    1. Thank you for letting me know Theresa I will look into the settings this week. I should have plenty of time.

  6. Hi Kathy, I couldn't leave a comment on your video. Watch what Jennifer McGuire does with a $20 laminator from Amazon. She makes magic happen with it. That's the one I bought and it works great. I know she's a card maker but her techniques transfer really well. thanks again for sharing.

  7. I use every kind of journal! Hand made store bought, happy mail, anything that has paper is fair game. I love this idea!! I'll journal in if if Eileen will let me! xoxoxo (ps - I love your streams). Janet

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Cheryl please contact me you were the winner of the Art Journal you can email me at I'm not sure how your comment was removed but it was up there when I did the drawing. Can't wait to hear from you.

  9. I seem to collect all kinds of store bought journals that I find interesting. I have not made any myself, but I hope to do so when I can find the time. I have really enjoyed watching you create all these different journals on stream and would love to win one of them. Thanks for sharing your art with us.

  10. I use store bought journals. I suck at making them. ��

    Xoxo galina-purplelina

  11. Glad to find your blog and look forward to following(when you get that fixed)
    I have bought the mixed Media type books and used them as my journals as of late! Will be open to making one...following you. :-)

  12. Hi Jeanne try to follow again some have been able to follow. Still trying to figure this stuff out.
